All things Americana

Vintage American collectables, memorabilia and accessories including US mint, handcrafted leather items, pocket watches, belt buckles, metal signs, badges and much much more...

VGP Western News

Enjoying Spring

We are working hard to prepare for upcoming Spring events, while continuing to update the webshop.

The webshop is running well, with lots of new products as well as a few new product groups. Visit our webshop to find your favorite new item, whether a collectable, americana, memorabilia or jewellry or something completely different.

We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events during the spring. We will keep the site updated with the events we will attend.

If you havent seen it yet, we still recommend watching Bubber & Raketten on DK4. We feature on the last episode.

Tony og Sally

Hand-crafted leather items.
Tailored for you!

From holsters to belts and bags,
we have so much to choose from...

Our favourites

We are delighted to introduce our new webshop.
Here are a few of our favourite items...


Message or call us, we will get back to you asap